Someone once said to me "If you had a chance to see your Grandparents or even Great Grandparent’s wedding day on film or a photograph once only and you could only pick one. Which would it be?"
I have asked this question myself many times since and always go the same answer. Film. You can see them walking, talking and enjoying a very special moment in their family life.
Over the years our team has filmed hundreds of weddings both locally to Pembrokeshire and as far away as Yorkshire and London and even a beach in South Africa.
Our wedding films are filmed with you in mind and capture the day with love and emotion. Your film includes the day’s events to serve as a lasting memory.
Sometimes when we meet brides planning their special day we hear them say ‘ I don’t want it filmed, I’ll remember it all’ and many times afterwards we hear them say ‘I’m so glad we had it filmed, I didn’t notice that one the day’
On chance occasions when we see couples we have filmed in the past, we hear comments like ‘ I’m so glad we had it filmed it brings our day back to life’ and also that sadly ‘a number of people in the film are no longer with us so it’s lovely for us to show our children ‘
Other comments we have had have been ‘ If it wasn’t for our video, we would have forgotten that!
When you watch your film, it will take you back to that day in time and the memories will come flooding back.
Your DVD will contain two edited versions. The main film – So you can re-live the day, ceremony, speeches, evening party & your 1st. Dance. Also included will be a second edit picking out highlights from the day so you don’t have to show all the day to your friends, just a quick peek. Some companies edit your day it to 5 minutes or 10 minutes. With that you miss out so much, the morning preparations, the service and singing and all your speeches.
I believe the DVDs we produce gives you the best of both worlds. A beautiful presentation of the day and a short fast moving edit with the highlights from your day.